英文摘要 |
The purpose of this research is to construct adult education indicatorssystem model, adult education indicator items, and the operational definition ofadult education in 1998. The method applied in this study is hermeneutic. The researched objectsinclude twelve scholars, experts in the field of adult education and administrativeexperts. The research is to employ Herpen's model of background input-output-outcome process, in order to study adult education indicators. The researchtools are based on documents related to this study and two scales, developedafter experts meeting and discussion, called priority scale of adult educationindicators. The kappa result of this study is 0.816, more than 0.70. This demonstrateshigh similarity between these two groups of experts. Apart from this, accordingto indicator items scaled by these experts, there are three classes of indicators,including primary, secondary and referential indicators. The result of analysisincluded 15 primary indicators, 12 secondary indicators and 5 referentialindicators. Based on the process and result of this study, the followings aresuggested: 1.The ultimate goals and fields of adult education should be assured; 2.Non-governmental involvement in adult education should be encoruaged; 3.Multiple accesses to adult education and connecting channels of differentlearning systems should be constructed with no further delay. |