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Culture Basic Law: A Critical Reflection on the Academia's Participation in the Legislative Process
作者 劉俊裕
After a series of consultation, public hearing and executive meeting processes, the Council of Cultural Affairs (now the Min­istry of Culture) submitted the draft proposal of national Culture Basic Law (hereafter the CBL) to the Legislative Yuan on Novem­ber 10th of 2011. However, with the reshuffle of a new national Congress, the draft of CBL has to be resubmitted by the executive body, and the Ministry of Culture seems to be awaiting there for the proper moment to come. The article intends to raise a critical reflection on the CBL through the author's experiences of aca­demic participation in the cultural legislation process, and to identify the core issues that the CBL involves. These include: (a) How does the CBL serve to converge the core cultural values and spirit of Taiwan? (b) How does the CBL define cultural rights and cultural citizenship in Taiwan? (c) Could the CBL instigate a comprehensive restructure for the regime of cultural governance in Taiwan? (d) Does the CBL clearly define the direction and scope for the state's cultural policy? (e) Does the CBL manifest the subjectivity and particularity of culture with respect to its in­teraction with state political economy? The author argues that only through the open cultural discourses in contemporary Tai­ wan, and the persistent monitoring of the state cultural adminis­trative bodies from the independent third sector, could the regime of Taiwanese cultural governance maintain its internal dynamism and reflexivity, and lead to a potential paradigm shift of values in Taiwanese cultural public spheres.
起訖頁 67-112
關鍵詞 文化基本法文化權利文化政策文化治理文化公共領域Culture Basic LawCultural rightsCultural policyCultural governanceCultural public sphere
刊名 國家與社會  
期數 201304 (13期)
出版單位 元智大學社會暨政策科學學系
該期刊-上一篇 「文化政策與社會發展」座談會
該期刊-下一篇 新故鄉文教基金會邁向社會企業的經驗與課題分析




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