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The Features of Social Cohesion in Taiwan: A Social Quality Perspective
作者 林昭吟王雲東施世駿
Originally proposed within a European context, considerable collective effort has since been placed into establishing a conceptual and theoretical framework for social quality in a number of Asian countries. The overall concept of social quality is sub-divided into the four domains: socio-economic security; social inclusion; social cohesion; social empowerment, and each provide additional sub-domains and related indicators for empirical assessment. This study aims to specifically explore 'social cohesion?, which describes the processes of creating, defending and demolishing social networks, as well as the social infrastructure underpinning such networks. This study closely examines the four sub-domains constituting social cohesion, comprising of trust, other integrative norms and values, social networks and identity. Our primary aim in the present study, through the adoption of this theoretical framework, is to explore the features of social cohesion in Taiwan based upon in-depth analysis of a social quality survey carried out in 2008. Of the twenty social cohesion indicators developed in Europe, five are available in Taiwan and eight are 'alternatively available?. Of particular interest are the results revealed by the social quality survey relating to subjective opinions shown in this study; in the case of trust, 49.2 per cent of the respondents agreed that 'most people can be trusted?, with universities and religious groups being regarded as more trustworthy than either the Government or the National Assembly. Furthermore, although 47.3 per cent of those surveyed indicated that they were proud to be Taiwanese, 12.9 per cent were not, whilst the remaining 39.7 per cent expressed a neutral attitude towards the issue. More than half (53.0 per cent) of all respondents were not members of any social groups; amongst those who had joined such groups, the primary choices were sports and leisure groups, which, at 22.7 per cent, far exceeded any membership of mutual help associations or voluntary service organizations. Most respondents were found to hold a neutral attitude towards foreign spouses or foreign workers; however, there was clearly much greater acceptance of the former than the latter. Taiwanese society, as a whole, does not appear to exhibit any strong degree of social cohesion, a finding which clearly calls for greater attention from both the government and social scientists.
起訖頁 47-97
關鍵詞 社會品質社會凝聚社會指標臺灣Social qualitySocial cohesionSocial indicatorsTaiwan
刊名 國家與社會  
期數 201006 (8期)
出版單位 元智大學社會暨政策科學學系
該期刊-上一篇 跨機關合作中的政治與官僚辯證:「行政團隊」與「首長間信任建立」之意涵與困局
該期刊-下一篇 政策擴散下的創新治理--臺灣工藝研究發展中心之經驗與啟發




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