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Community Empowerment vis-à-vis Globalization: Case of Taiwan
作者 李永展 (Yung-Jaan Lee)
時間與空間經驗的轉折可說是全球化的主要特徵,以此觀點來看待空間發展及社區營造的問題,顯然與以往的都市化過程有截然不同的經驗與本質。本文首先探討全球化意涵,並從在地的參照點提出,社區營造必須強調「地方」才能具體回應全球化挑戰。第二部分指出全球時代下的台灣城鄉發展現象及問題,然後以此作為背景及基調,探討未來社區營造應如何因應。第三部分討論都市型社區營造的定位與想像,從社區的定義檢視都市型社區中關係的鍵連,並且從需求與匱乏的面向,分析社區營造與社區規劃的互動關係。第四部分從地方自明性提出非都市型社區營造的定位與想像, 強調應以「生活的地方」取代「商品的空間」,進而形塑地方。最後一部分說明,社區營造所展現的創造性能量是讓更多人參與地方的證明,也是面對全球化的可能出路。
Time-space transformation has been the main feature of globalization. Consequently, spatial development and community empowerment problems are obviously different from before. This paper begins with an analysis of major characteristics of globalization. From the perspective of 'local?, to cope with globalization challenge community empowerment, 'place? must be emphasized. Urban and rural development in Taiwan in the global age is then examined in Section Two. Section Three explores the context of community empowerment in urban communities. The connection of relationships in urban communities is also studied. Furthermore, the inter-relationships between community empowerment and community planning are analyzed from the dimensions of needs and scarcities. Section Four addresses the context of non-urban communities from the perspective of identity. 'Living place? should be emphasized to replace 'commoditized space? and further to shape the place. The last section proposes that the creative energies conveyed by community empowerment are the proof for involving more people to participate, which is also one possible way out vis- ? -vis globalization.
起訖頁 1-27
關鍵詞 全球化地方社區社區營造GlobalizationPlaceCommunityCommunity empowerment
刊名 國家與社會  
期數 200912 (7期)
出版單位 元智大學社會暨政策科學學系
該期刊-下一篇 非營利社區文化產業的運作與影響:苗栗縣社區營造組織的兩個個案研究




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