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Combating Social Exclusion:An Overview of the European Union’s Policies
作者 朱柔若孫碧霞
Many labor policies of Taiwan are originated from the European Union's policies to combat social exclusion. This paper aims to investigate the missing force in the formation of labor policies in Taiwan, the policy dialogue between the European Union and member states in combating social exclusion, through the examination on the development of policies of the European Union to combat social exclusion. EU's policies to combat social exclusion mainly respond to the pressure of social inclusion within the European society and the social exclusion problem in the member states. With social rights as the core, the policies aim to improve social exclusion through employment and enhance social inclusion among the excluded. In the promotion of the policies, it creates a space for public dialogue, seeks a common action plan, coordinates the implementation combating social exclusion of each state member on an EU scale. However, structural obstacles such as the conventional ideology of European integration, defects of the EU system, the ideological and institutional differences between the member states have impeded the effects of the policies.
起訖頁 99-157
關鍵詞 社會排除對抗社會排除社會權社會融合Social exclusionCombating social exclusionSocial rightsSocial inclusion
刊名 國家與社會  
期數 200812 (5期)
出版單位 元智大學社會暨政策科學學系
該期刊-上一篇 土牛、番界、隘勇線:劃界與劃線
該期刊-下一篇 政府與婦女團體的關係及其轉變:以臺灣為例探討婦女運動與性別主流化




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