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Effects of a Feeding Skills Training Program on Nursing Assistants
作者 張佳琪
Dementia patients have a high probability of feeding problems that result in a substantial risk of malnutrition. Assisting residents with eating is a major task for nursing assistants, and they require better training in order to provide adequate quality of nutritional care. The purposes of this study were to develop a comprehensive feeding skills training program for nursing assistants mid to test the effects of this training program on their knowledge, attitude, and behavior. A quasi-experimental study was conducted. Two convenience-chosen dementia-specialized long-term care facilities in north Taiwan were randomly assigned into either a control or a treatment group. Sixty-seven nursing assistants were enrolled (treatment: 31; control: 36). Twenty nursing assistants arid the same number of dementia patients were observed during mealtime. Treatment group participated in a feeding skills training program including three hours of in-service classes and one hour of hands-on training, whereas the control group did lot receive any training. Both groups had poor knowledge and feeding behaviors and they hold negative attitude toward feeding elderly with dementia before the intervention. However, there were no differences in knowledge, attitudes, and feeding behaviors between two groups before the intervention. The treatment group had significantly more knowledge (F=47.7, p<0.001), more positive attitude (F=15.75, p=0.001), and better behaviors (F=0.89, p<0.001) than the control group after the intervention. This feeding skills training program has been found to change nursing assistants' knowledge, attitude, and behavior This study raises attention regarding oil-the-job training for nursing assistants. Furthermore, the feeding problems among dementia patients should be further explored as well as the nutritional care.
起訖頁 133-141
關鍵詞 失智症餵食困難長期照護照顧服務員餵食技巧訓練計畫DementiaFeeding DifficultyLong-Term Care FacilityNursing AssistantFeeding Skills Training Program
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 200512 (3:2期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 穴位指壓改善護理之家住民失眠之成效
該期刊-下一篇 實驗性自體免疫前葡萄膜炎中Lymphotactin及其受體表現之生物疾病分子醫學研究




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