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Perspectives on Marked Language Choices and Uses in Taiwan
作者 魏美瑤
This paper explores types of marked language choices and their uses in Taiwan, using examples from both everyday and e-generation online communication where language mixing, crossing, and stylizing are rampant despite the fact that most of the same individuals consider conventionally codified Mandarin, English, and Japanese more prestigious. The paper argues that this kind of hybrid language practice owes much to Taiwan’s twice-reformatted national language policies in the 20th century, and to a rapid regime transition from one party dominance to a multi-party society. That is, the historical enforcement of both Japanese and Mandarin helped nation-state development but didn’t leave other linguistic varieties with an equal chance for social advancement, modernization, and codification. Indigenous and ingenious, the language choices and uses in question tap into the lack of codification and standardization of non-Mandarin varieties, into the stereotypical features of Taiwanese-accented Mandarin, and into the incongruities of so many phonetic schemes and use of Chinese characters as phonetic symbols to sound out English, Mandarin, and Japanese. The pragmatics goes beyond immediate functional purposes and are used metaphorically to tap into taboos, for example, or to create humor by adopting a marked choice, in real and virtual discourse. By connecting these emerging language features to broader socio-historical changes in Taiwan, we are able to see the coming of age of a new pattern of reappropriating Chinese characters and therefore Chineseness in online communication. It is a development that may help us reflect on the meanings of speaking/writing Chinese in the 21st century.
起訖頁 67-82
關鍵詞 語碼轉換語言選擇語言使用標記性國家語言政策CodeswitchingLanguage choiceLanguage useMarkednessNational language policy
刊名 Taiwan Journal of Linguistics  
期數 201307 (11:2期)
出版單位 文鶴出版有限公司
該期刊-上一篇 A Preliminary Study of Applying Shadowing Technique to English Intonation Instruction
該期刊-下一篇 A Critical Discourse Analysis of Taiwan's National Debate on Economic Ties with China




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