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Memory Capacity in School-Age Mandarin-Speaking Children with Specific Language Impairment
作者 張顯達
Ten school-age Mandarin-speaking children with specific language impairment (SLI) were tested with three memory tasks: (1) a position probe task, (2) a missing object task and (3) a word span task. Two control groups, one age-matched and one language-matched, were also tested. In the three tasks, children with SLI performed significantly poorer than the age-matched controls only in the object position probe task, a test on spatial memory. When compared with the younger language-matched controls, the SLI group performed at the same level in all three tasks. These findings indicated that these school-age children with SLI suffered a deficit in memorizing spatial positions of an array of objects but not in their memory for verbal stimuli. During the experiment, it was also observed that most children, both SLI and normally developing controls, did vocally or sub-vocally rehearse the stimuli in the two spatial memory tasks. Therefore, it is very likely that they had converted the spatial memory tasks into verbal memory tasks and thus the deficit our SLI subjects displayed is still verbal in nature.
起訖頁 111-120
關鍵詞 學齡期語言障礙兒童記憶容量
刊名 Taiwan Journal of Linguistics  
期數 200307 (1:1期)
出版單位 文鶴出版有限公司
該期刊-上一篇 State Eventualities and Aspect Marker LE in Chinese
該期刊-下一篇 Talking about Past Events in Conversation: An Analysis of Mandarin Mother-Child and Adult-Adult Discourse




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