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Designing an Intelligent Hybrid Cloud System Based on Desktop as a Service
作者 陳志達
個人電腦稱霸的時代即將步入終結,取而代之的我們稱之為「後PC時代」。雖然個人電腦的運算能力越來越強,但是大部分的運算資源都是處於未使用的狀態,花了大錢卻白白浪費這些可以運用的資源,然而隨著雲端運算的興起、行動科技的不斷演進,一個圍繞著個人電腦的運算方式即將被取代,人們只要有網路就能夠將需要運算的應用程式交由雲端資料中心來處理,當使用者有運算的需求,只要負擔少許的費用就可以即時向雲端資料中心連線取得運算資源,雲端運算將個人電腦的未來帶入了新的里程碑。有鑑於此,本研究的目的,希望藉由探討在後PC時代下,如何將使用者桌面、應用程式、作業系統以及資料從個人電腦中分離出來,以雲端服務的形式存在並提供給使用者,創造出新型態的工作模式,藉由整合性資訊系統架構的方法論(Architecture of Integrated Information System,ARIS)建構出私有雲的模型,將桌面即服務的解決方案中所有的流程;從流程設計、管理與應用等方面作全方位的評估,並有效地描述組織內各個雲端服務彼此之間的關係,探討要如何以深度整合組織資源的方式,打造以「雲」為中心,整合硬體、軟體、內容與服務,提升使用者的使用體驗、增加人員生產力,進而強化組織在後PC時代下的競爭力。
The personal computer dominated the era is coming to an end, will be replaced by what we call "post-PC era". Although the computing power of personal computers is growing, but most of the computing resources are not utilized, although it spends a lot of money and resources. With the rise of cloud computing, mobile technology continues to evolve, and the role of personal computer will be replaced. As long as people having the network environment are able to use cloud datacenter to handle distributed computing application. When people has computing needs, he can spend a little cost can connect to the cloud data center immediately. Cloud computing let the future of personal computers comes to a new milestone. For above reason, the purpose of this paper hopes to explore the post-PC era, separating user's desktop form the personal computers. We provide the service of cloud computing, and creating a new type of user working model. We create the private cloud by the way of Architecture of Integrated Information System (ARIS). The desktop as a service solution for all the processes from the process design, management and application make a comprehensive assessment, describing the relationships between each cloud services effectively. This paper also discusses how to develop the depth of organizational resources, creating a "cloud" as the center for integrated hardware, software, content and services, and enhancing the quality of user experience and staff productivity. Finally, such a hybrid cloud computing architecture can produce more competence and strength for organizations in post-pc era.
起訖頁 29-49
關鍵詞 雲端運算後PC時代桌面即服務整合性資訊系統架構Cloud ComputingPost-PC eraDesktop as a ServiceARIS
刊名 資訊與管理科學  
期數 201412 (7:2期)
出版單位 資訊與管理科學期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 以暴露理論探討電子商務之長尾現象--以數位相機為例
該期刊-下一篇 以整合型科技接受模式探討使用雲端網路硬碟之研究--以Dropbox為例




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