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Action Research of Parent Education Curriculum for New Immigrant Parents
作者 吳瓊洳 (Chiung-Ju Wu)蔡明昌 (Ming-Chang Tsai)
本研究旨在針對新住民家長實施親職教育課程,以了解其實施成效。為達研究目的,本研究採行動研究,由研究者及其他五位教師形成團隊。本研究參與之對象共有六個來自越南、印尼和大陸的新住民家庭,包含八個成員(其中有兩個家庭,父、母親都出席)。本研究為期十二週課程,每次上課二個小時,過程中以訪談、觀察、省思札記、文件資料等方式蒐集資料。所獲得之結論如下: 1.參與親職教育課程可協助家長更了解子女、增加親職效能感、改善親子關係,亦可提升部份子女之學業成就表現; 2.本研究實施之親職教育課程適切、具體可行,且可增進教師教學專業成長。 依據上述之結論,本研究提出具體建議,供實施新住民家庭親職教育課程之參考。
The purposes of this study were to understand the effects of parent education curriculum practice for new immigrant parents and their children. In addition, the purposes of this study were to explore the possibilities when using action research of parent education curriculum for new immigrant parents and to improve teachers’ professional growth. To achieve the above purposes, the participants consisted of the researcher, the other five teachers, and six new immigrant parents from Vietnam, Indonesia, and China. The research had been implemented from September 8, 2013, to Nov 10, 2013, for twelve weeks, two hours once a week. The data collection included interview, observation, reflection, and classrooms’ documents. The results were as following: 1.The parent-child relation, parental efficiency and their child’s academic achievement could be increased through parent education curriculum practice. 2.The parent education curriculum could promote their professional growth. Based on the conclusions, some suggestions were offered for the teachers and the Schools when practicing parent education curriculum.
起訖頁 1-32
關鍵詞 新住民家長親職教育課程行動研究Action ResearchParent Education CurriculumNew Immigrant Parents
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201403 (32期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-下一篇 幼兒敘述理解與家庭閱讀環境之關係研究




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