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The Study of Expanding the Habitual Domains about Different Cognitive Styles' Students on Institute of Technology
作者 鄭釗仁林靜瑩
For expanding your habitual domain, there are eight methods that "Learning Actively", "Taking a Higher Position", "Active Association", "Changing Parameters", "Changing the Environment", "Brainstorming", "Retreat", "Prayer Meditation". To seek a change in human behavior could be more and more attentive with the promotion of habitual domains, especially in the methods of expansion of the habitual domains. This study will get expanding methods of the habitual domains in sequences about different cognitive strategy and discuss the important-the performance of degree by I.P.A. analysis. One-way ANOVA analysis indicates that the students with different cognitive strategy exhibit no significant differences, regardless of they had or expect to have expanding the habitual domains methods. The results showed that Intuitive strategy (I) students, "Brainstorming", "Learning Actively" as the top priority. Sensing strategy (S) students, "Active Association" as the top priority. Thinking strategy (T) students, "Active Association" as the top priority. Feeling strategy (F) students, "Learning Actively" as the top priority. Besides all students, "Prayer Meditation" as the rear on the expanding the habitual domains methods of had or expect to have. I.P.A. analysis indicates that Keep Up the Good Work items is "Learning Actively", "Active Association", "Retreat" for all students. Concentrate Here items is "Changing the Environment" for Intuitive strategy (I) and Thinking strategy (T) students, and "Taking a Higher Position", "Brainstorming" for Sensing strategy (S) and Feeling strategy (F) students.
起訖頁 079-103
關鍵詞 認知風格習慣領域重要-表現程度分析cognitive stylehabitual domainsI.P.A. analysis
刊名 習慣領域期刊  
期數 200911 (1:1期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會
該期刊-上一篇 手指等長收縮經動作習慣化之力量變異性研究
該期刊-下一篇 經典閱讀與習慣領域的拓展-以哈姆雷特為例




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