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社會政策與社會工作學刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Shifting Perspectives on Environmental Issues in Social Work and Some Implications for Social Work Education
作者 黃彥宜 (Yen Yi Huang)
隨著氣候劇烈變遷所造成的種種議題再加上各國天然和人為災害的頻傳,國際社會工作社群也開始關注社會工作實施和教育如何回應氣候變遷和天災人禍所造成環境危機及對弱勢者和邊緣人口的負面影響,並反思社會工作可以扮演的角色。生態和物理環境(physical environment)的破壞是面對氣候變遷、環境惡化與災害所面臨的主要問題。「人在環境中」(person in the environment)向來是社會工作的主流論述,然而社會工作主要關照社會環境,有關生態和物理環境的討論極為缺乏,也引發社群開始重新檢視「環境」在社會工作中的意含與定位。本文主要檢視因應氣候變遷和環境惡化近年國際社會工作學術社群所發展對環境議題的相關論述與觀點,以及對當前社會工作教育如何因應新興議題的經驗,期能對國內社會工作教育提出一些新的思考方向。
Natural or human-made disasters linked to climate change give rise to multiple ecological, physical, and social problems. The international social work community has voiced concern about the negative impacts of environmental crisis on disadvantaged and marginal populations, and believes that social workers can and should play an active role in helping to shape a more sustainable environment. The ‘person-in-environment’ approach in social work is a mainstream perspective emphasizing the relationship between individuals, their behavior, and the environment. Very often however, such interventions have tended to focus on the social rather than the physical environment. The degradation and disaster caused by climate change create the context for a new paradigm of social work, with greater emphasis on physical environmental issues and concerns. This article reviews shifting perspectives within the international social work community on environment, and considers the implications of new theories and practices for the education and professional development of social workers. In particular, it is hoped that the experiences and insights reported here may help to enrich the scope and diversity of social work education in Taiwan.
起訖頁 1-35
關鍵詞 人在環境中氣候變遷災難社會工作教育綠色社會工作person-in-the-environmentgreen social workclimate changedisastersocial work education
刊名 社會政策與社會工作學刊  
期數 201412 (18:2期)
出版單位 臺灣社會政策學會
該期刊-下一篇 少小離家,老大胡不歸?遷居原住民的老年返鄉回流議題




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