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A Study of Analysis on Narratives in Chinese Language Textbooks of the Grade 7-9
作者 鍾靈鍾宜君曾榮華
本研究旨在探究現行國中七年級到九年級國文教科書中故事體內容,主要採用內容分析法,探討教科書中故事體呈現情形和類目。依97 課程綱要編輯審查之教科書,一百零二年公告之審訂表,比較三個版本(南一、康軒、翰林)中故事課文比例與類別分析。本研究先以「文件分析法」蒐集相關文獻,並擬定生活故事、傳奇故事、史地故事、自然故事做為教科書故事類課文分析的類目。之後再以「內容分析法」分析國語教科書故事類別、在教科書編排中的適當性。
二、 三個版本中較缺少傳奇故事類課文,翰林版缺少傳奇故事類課文。
三、 三個版本的教科書自然科學故事類的選文皆兼顧海洋議題。
四、 從題材來看,出現類目的多寡依序為生活故事、史地故事、自然科學故事、傳奇故事。
The purpose of this study was to analyze the narratives in Chinese language textbooks. The study focused on the Chinese language textbooks of the Grade 7-9 . The objects for the analysis of content were from the Chinese language textbooks published by the following three book companies: Nan-Yi, Kang-Hsuan and Han-Lin. The data were collected from the literature analysis to categorize the narratives in the textbooks. The categories of narratives included life stories, legend, historical story and science stories. Then the researcher used the content analysis to analyze the proportion of the narratives, the categories of the narratives, the appropriateness of the arrangement of the narratives. The conclusions drawn from the findings of the study were as follows: The highest proportion of the narratives was life stories. The least proportion of the narratives was legend. Science stories of three version of Chinese language textbooks contained marine issues. The highest quantity and proportion of the narratives were life stories; historical story and science stories were less; legend was very few.
起訖頁 191-236
關鍵詞 國中國文教科書Narratives故事體Chinese Language Textbooks of of the Grade 7-9內容分析Content Analysis Work Values
刊名 朝陽人文社會學刊  
期數 201406 (12:1期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學朝陽人文社會學刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 營隊式教育專業服務學習之設計、實踐與省思——以某科技大學為例




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