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The Scholar Painting in the Yuan Dynasty & Fuzzy Esthetics
作者 陳昭昭方中士
The scholar painting in the Yuan Dynasty was combined with classical poetries, penmanship and paintings. It possessed the distinguishing characteristics of the scholar works on the history of Chinese painting. Fuzzy esthetics was an esthetics theory of diversification and complexity. Fuzzy esthetics had the genius about the culture was mixed Han and Mongol, also very complicated, including contradictions and conflict of scholars' ideology in the Yuan dynasty. The scholar painting in the Yuan dynasty broke with tradition; the draws indicated the originality and blend. Those related to three stages of the intermediary about Fuzzy Esthetics. The ink painting caused the relish vivid images of diffusion. They had not precision, no matter what pent-up feelings of sorrow, fervent hatred, monomania and leisure. Besides the painters could be surmounted contraries between their modernization and paintings, the imagines presented three planes, including vision fuzzy, drawing fuzzy, space fuzzy and so on. And also transit fuzzy, chaotic but well-organized; digital pressing fuzzy, such intensified the texture of landscape paintings, etc. They were all the similar traits of fuzzy esthetics. So, I would try to research on the theory of fuzzy esthetics and the representative paintings also presented the same characteristics. The main painters were Zhao Meng-Fu, and four great masters of traditional Chinese painting in the Yuan dynasty, they were Huang Gong-Wang, Wang Meng, Ni Zan and Wu Zhen. Their works were mixed up in the fuzzy image.
起訖頁 270-283
關鍵詞 模糊美學Fuzzy esthetics文人畫The scholar painting趙孟頫Zhao Meng-Fu元四大家Four masters of traditional Chinese painting in the Yuan dynasty
刊名 嘉南學報:人文類  
期數 201312 (39期)
出版單位 嘉南藥理大學
該期刊-上一篇 雲林縣垂直整合家暴社工之工作現況與被害人處遇內涵分
該期刊-下一篇 教師之健康促進行為探討--以臺南市國小為例




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