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The Design and Trial Use of Blind Test for Correlation Analysis in Textbook Content and Objectives
作者 賴光真
本研究設計一種分析教科書內容與目標關聯性的方法,以盲測法(blind test)方式,請專家小組依據教科書圖文內容或教學活動設計等,採取統觀詮釋取向,進行文本轉化,判斷敘寫單元教學目標及勾選分段能力指標。所得目標資料,再由另一專家小組,對照教科書原訂目標資料,進行語意關聯的評定或統計,獲得關聯圖形及數據,以輔助瞭解教科書內容與目標的關聯情形,以及發覺值得進一步討論探究的焦點。依據方法設計本身的特點、應備條件,以及實徵試用的歷程與結果進行檢討,此分析方法的效用性、客觀性、簡明性等均可獲得肯定。至於時間與財政層面的可行性,則需要教科書審查評鑑權責機構協調配合,以期獲得提升。
This study designed a correlation analysis method that focused on textbook content and objectives. Based on a mechanism similar to blind test, this method used a team of experts to survey texts, pictures, charts, and instruction activities employing a comprehensive and interpretative approach, converting textbook content into instruction objectives and competence indicators. Another team of experts further compared the instruction objectives and competence indicators with the original instruction objectives and competence indicators listed in the textbooks. Using the graphics and data, the semantic association of the two sets of instruction objectives and the statistic correlation of the two sets of competence indicators are presented for further discussion and examination. The applicability of this analysis method was inspected in accordance with features particular to this research method and requisites that are to be met in method design, and the processes and results of empirical trial. The utility, objectivity and conciseness of this analysis method could be verified. However, some coordination with textbook accreditation and evaluation authorities were required to enhance the feasibility in terms of time and finance.
起訖頁 33-67
關鍵詞 關聯分析盲測法教科書內容教學目標分段能力指標Correlation analysisBlind testTextbook contentInstruction objectivesCompetence indicators
刊名 教科書研究  
期數 201308 (6:2期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 國際經驗對臺灣電子教科書發展之啟示
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣、芬蘭、新加坡國小數學教科書代數教材之比較




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