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A Study of Rhetoric Teaching Content of Junior-High Chinese Textbooks
作者 黃淑苓
國中學生、教師及家長普遍感覺當前國文課教授很多「修辭法」,到底國中國文「修辭法」教學發生怎樣的改變?研究者期望透過對於國中教育實施以來各課程標準/課程綱要的國文教科書之修辭內容進行分析,以瞭解國中國文「修辭法」教學的改變趨勢。本文以內容分析方式分析1968 年以迄2008 年7 次課程標準/課程綱要11 版本66冊國文教科書。發現國文教科書修辭教學內容有由消極修辭轉向積極修辭、「修辭格」類別數量有明顯增加、修辭教學窄化為修辭格教學之趨勢。研究者建議應推動修辭教學之實徵研究,以建立修辭教學內容與方法之可靠依據。
In the recent two decades, parents, students and teachers of junior-high-schools have a common sense that students are learning more andmore Chinese rhetorical devices. However, there is no reliable information onthe change in rhetoric teaching in junior-highs. Therefore, the researcher decidedto analyze the rhetoric teaching content of Taiwan junior-high Chinesetextbooks to understand the change of rhetoric teaching. A total number of 66junior-high Chinese textbooks based on 7 official curriculum standards/guidelines, published from 1968 to 2008, were analyzed. The result confirmedthe general impression that there was a trend showing quantitative increaseand qualitative change in rhetoric teaching content in junior-high textbooks.Compared to their parents, today junior-high students learn many morerhetorical devices, but less rhetoric on wording and sentence-making from theirtextbooks. The researcher suggested that empirical studies should be conductedto provide a solid knowledge base for rhetoric teaching and learning.
起訖頁 33-52
關鍵詞 修辭國文教學教科書國中內容分析RhetoricChinese teachingTextbooksJunior high schoolContent analysis
刊名 教科書研究  
期數 200912 (2:2期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 一綱一本教科書政策論述之分析
該期刊-下一篇 國民中小學社會學習領域教科書內容銜接情形之研究——以臺灣史「史前文化與原住民」為例




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