英文摘要 |
This study aims to explore teaching materials for life education in the fieldof Integrative Activities for junior high school, which are published by NaniPublishing CO., LTD, Kang Hsuan Educational Publishing Group, and HanLin Publishing CO., LTD. Interviews with Integrative Activities teachers, revealtheir opinions on life education teaching materials, which are illustrated, discussed,and verified. Several findings are summarized as follows:First, “life adaptation” is the focus of the majority of the Integrated Activitiestextbooks. There is insufficient teaching material focused on “life anddeath education”, “morals and ethics”, and “philosophy of life.”Secondly, life education usually implies several subcategories, such as“Self-concern” and “Interpersonal Interaction.” There is insufficient teachingmaterial focused on subcategories like Hospice & “Palliative Care”, “SuicidePrevention”, “Moral Education”, “Controversial Issues”, “Religious Education”,and “Beliefs about Life.”Thirdly, teachers deem that the textbooks are supposed to include “Peopleand Themselves”, “People and Others”, “People and Surroundings”, and contentwhich is close to students’ daily life and which focuses on experiencesharing. This paper also illustrates the difficulties that still remain in implementinglife education, such as imbalanced curriculum oriented towards entranceexaminations and the relatively low number of periods that this subjectfield is taught. |