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Is ‘One-Guideline-One-Version’ Policy a Panacea? —Reconceptualization of ‘Textbook’
作者 周淑卿
國民中小學實施教科書審定制以來,一綱多本的政策被指為非但未達成原有的理想,反而徒生困擾。但細究諸多問題,原因多不出於審定制本身,而是審定制執行過程未臻完善,或是其他範疇問題的連帶歸咎。若試圖代之以一綱一本措施,則不僅未能解決問題,反而製造問題。之所以出現一本或多本的爭論,起因於大眾對教科書的內容及功能持「過時的」期望。學習原本即不應囿限於一本教科書裡;欲導引革新的課程與教學,教科書的概念應予重構。本文指出:1.現行型態的教科書應作為重要概念與學習訊息的索引,作為連結其他學習資源的起點,所以多種類的「學校用書」應當取代單一的「教科書」概念;2.教科書不是僅供學生閱讀的文本,而應是師生互動的中介;3.教科書應以多樣化的教材樣貌出現 —— 它可以是網路學習資源、視聽媒材和各種工作單的組合。而這些多樣的教材卻能統合在教學者清晰的課程架構中,讓學習經驗既多元又有系統性。面對複雜多變的社會,一本教科書無法養成學生的真實能力。一本或多本的議題事實上是個無謂的爭論。
The policy of one-guideline-multiple-versions is built on the principle ofderegulation, the baseline of educational reform in Taiwan over the past decade,but it has been criticized since its implementation. However, the problemsresulted from the implementation of the policy more than the policy itself.Under the Grades 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines, curriculum articulation and entranceexams are thought to be the main problems of the textbook policy. Tosolve these problems, Taipei county and Taipei city governments plan to implementa ‘one-version’ policy.There are plenty of arguments from different camps about textbook policy,but unless out-dated concepts about textbooks are revised, the debate will bepointless. This article first analyzes the positive and negative opinions of theone-guideline-multiple-versions policy, and points out some fallacies in‘one-version’ policy, then argues for the reconceptualization of textbooks—textbooks could be various forms of school books, the textbook is not onlythe text for reading, and the textbook doesn’t have to be a traditionalwell-organized student book.How could one textbook guide students to know the fast-changing world orenhance the development of the student mind? Only when the concept of‘textbook’ is revised, will the meaningless dispute about one or multiple versionsend, and alternative textbooks developed.
起訖頁 29-47
關鍵詞 教科書與課程一綱多本政策教科書使用Textbooks and curriculumPolicy of one-guideline-multiple-versionsUse of textbooks
刊名 教科書研究  
期數 200806 (1:1期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 「一綱一本教科書事件」平議
該期刊-下一篇 教科書價格相關議題評析及其後效例證




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