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Analysis Current Status of the Speech Therapists Serving as the Home Long-term Care in Taipei City
作者 張綺芬
Taipei City Health Bureau included speech therapists involved in long-term care home began in 2012. The key services are language communication and swallowing. The target services to establish a family-centered intervention model, guiding families/caregivers, to enhance communication efficiency and the safety and effectiveness of swallowing through daily activities, for improving the quality of life. So far (Aug, 2014) there are 30 of speech therapists involved the home service, and served a total of 496 clients, and increased year by year the number of applicants. The results show 95% of respondents to the speech therapist's attitude are satisfied or very satisfied, 80% of respondents to the speech therapist's health education content is satisfied or very satisfied, 65% of respondents believe that the client's function up to expectation in communication or swallowing after the speech therapist services. And 67% of the speech therapists believe that the clients' progress so much during the service, 29% said only some progress. All of the speech therapists responded willingness to continue to serve the long-term care home. Through the results of more than two years of speech therapy services, hoping to become the database to enhance the effectiveness of the service, also look forward to new professions, such as planning reference audiologist services.
起訖頁 267-282
關鍵詞 長期照護語言治療吞嚥治療long-term carespeech therapydysphagia
刊名 長期照護雜誌  
期數 201412 (18:3期)
出版單位 社團法人台灣長期照護專業協會
該期刊-下一篇 吞嚥困難個案於飲食質地調整與市售增稠劑之應用狀況




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