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教育經營與管理研究集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Impact of Low Birth Rate on the Demand and Supply of English Teacher in German Secondary Education : System Dynamics Approach
作者 余曉雯 (Hsiao-Wen Yu)蕭志同 (Chih-Tung Hsiao)熊自賢
English is an international language, and it is more important nowadays. Germanyemphasizes foreign language teaching and get a very good performance. However,Germany has been faced with the problem of insufficient English teachers since 1980,which will affect the results of English teaching even causing the disequilibriumof demand and supply of English teachers. In fact, many factors contribute to thisdisequilibrium. Among them, English teachers cultivation systems and encouragementpolicies give rise to the supply imbalance. Weekly teaching hours, the number ofclasses, and retirement policy bring about the demand disequilibrium. The low birthrate is another environmental factor. All the factors above form a closely-rated,complicated and dynamic structure. This study is made by the structure of Englishteachers and building on a systematic demand and supply model of English teacherin German secondary education. The study results reveal that there are eight levelsand sixteen rates in twelve key causal loops. The changes of the retirement policy willdiminish the impact caused by the insufficiency of English teachers, and so will thelow birth rate.
起訖頁 87-108
關鍵詞 德國英語教學師資供需失衡系統動態學GermanyEnglish teachingTeacher demandTeacher supplySystem dynamics
刊名 教育經營與管理研究集刊  
期數 201001 (6期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 組織結構與利害關係人策略行動的辨證關係:以一所偏遠小學發展學校特色為例




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