英文摘要 |
As Web 2.0 technology applications, blogs are receiving attention as potential educational tools. The purpose of this study is to determine which factors can significantly influence whether a vocational high school teacher chooses to use a teaching blog, and the relative importance of these influences. Based on Jeyaraj, Rottman, & Lacity's (2006) individual - technology - organization - environment framework that incorporates relevant factors from two sources: from within individual IT adoption literature and from within blog research emphasizing knowledge sharing motivation. The present study develops an integrated model for vocational high school teachers' teaching blog adoption. The model includes the four dimensions of individual, innovation technology, school, and environmental characteristics and fourteen factors. Furthermore, logistic regression analysis is used to test the hypotheses. Based on an analysis of 510 survey respondents, the results indicate that codification effort, perceived enjoyment, school incentives, personal innovativeness, compatibility, school support, and perceived ease of use are important discriminant factors in the adoption of teaching blogs. Finally, theoretical and practical implications from the findings are also provided. |