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The "Seditiousness" of Modern Poetry and Censorship in Colonial Korea ― An Analysis for The Poetry in Korean Newspapers(諺文新聞詩歌, 1931)
作者 韓基亨
This paper intends to comprehensively elucidate the mechanism between authorities and media, and between literature and the public in colonial Korea. 'The Poetry in Korean Newspapers'-by Publications Department of Police Bureau in the Government-General-provides us a persuasive base and inspiration for it. This source book was a result from the objectification process of selling censorship criteria for the poetry literature in Korea. Some censorship criteria became indispensable due to the expanding political disquieting resonance from the poetry connotation-caused by increasing relationship between poetry literature, media and people in Korea. Especially, there was a situation perception for rapid intimacy between literary sphere and socialism thro ugh this medium-Korean poetry. In that sense, 'The Poetry in Korean Newspapers' would be an important document reflecting structural conflict and contradiction of culture phenomena brought out in various form s. Compilation of this source book made the moment to practice censoring Korean poetry and it is reasonable to infer that a large number of poems were expurgated on the basis of these criteria. However, through the setting criteria, could it be ever possible to perfectly control the 'seditiousness' in Korean poetry? This paper is aiming at establishing a theoretic hypothesis for studying this question.
起訖頁 205-225
關鍵詞 殖民地檢閱圖書課不穩性檢閱標準文學大眾化Censorship in colonyPublications departmentSeditiousnessCensorship criteriaLiteracy popularization
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 201212 (21期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 文化政治期的檢閱政策與殖民地媒體
該期刊-下一篇 「法域」與「文域」:帝國內部的表現力差異與殖民地文本




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