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The Mirror and Lamp of “立(Li)” in Taiwan─The Modernization Social Change Writings in “Province Administration Literature Series”
作者 郭澤寬
省政文藝叢書為一九六五年起,由台灣省新聞處以邀稿的方式,以宣傳省政建設為目的,所形成的一系列的文學作品,至一九八○年止,共計有作品七十四種。這些作品以文學的方式,記錄了台灣現代化變遷的過程,是一種鏡,然因官方出版的性質、參與作者投入的熱情,使得作品都有著高度的理想性與美好的結局,這又是一種燈,一種指引台灣現代化發展的明燈。 黃仁宇在他眾多史學著作中,常以「立字」做喻,說明現代化變遷除了是立字上下兩端─上下層組織的改造外,最重要的是要在兩者之間,形成做為服務、經理而存在的組織、人員的中間紐帶,從而使上下層組織產生緊密的聯繫。而本叢書在表現政府施政成績之餘,更描寫了諸如基層公務員、農漁會等中間經理單位的作用與關鍵地位,這正符合了黃仁宇的相關理論。 本文即以省政文藝叢書為研究、取例對象,並將說明叢書中的現代化變遷書寫,正符合這種「立字」形成的現象,實也是台灣現代化變遷的鏡與燈。
“Province Administration Literature Series” is the works that News Bureau of Taiwan Province invited writers in the province to write literature subjects to propagate the provincial public construction achievements form 1965. The pieces with number of these Series of works are total 74 kinds till 1980. The works have recorded Taiwan modernization social change by literature. It is a Mirror. Because of the publications by Province Administration and the writers' passion, the works all have the clear ideality and happy ending. It is also a Lamp, the guidelines lamp of Taiwan modernization development. In Hwang, Re-Yu's historical writings, Hwang usually use the “立(Li)”as the metaphor to explain the modernization social change that are between the superstructure and substructure restructuring, the most important key are building the intermediate structure and provides the management, service between both. Then, superstructure and substructure could establish contact inseparably. This literature series works propagate the government administration achievements; also describe the capabilities and contribution about intermediate structures such as Farmer Organization, Fishman Organization, the basic officers etc. This comes up to the Hwang's theory. This paper studies to this literature series works and will illustrate the writing about modernization social change in this series works, will come up to the phenomenon of the “立(Li)” forming. That is the mirror and lamp of Taiwan modernization social change.
起訖頁 53-90
關鍵詞 省政文藝叢書立字鏡與燈現代化變遷社會結構Province Administration Literature SeriesLiMirror and lampModernization changeSocial structure
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 201106 (18期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 日據末期小說的「發展型」敘事與人物「新生」的意義
該期刊-下一篇 失落的「新村」?楊逵、田中保男和入田春彥的文學交誼與思想實踐




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