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End of WWII: Taiwan in the Days Before and After August 1945
作者 許雪姬
本文使用林獻堂、黃旺成、黃繼圖、吳鴻麒、吳平城、楊基振、吳新榮個人的日記(三人在海外、五人在台灣),分成八月十五日當天,以及其前、後做為探討八月這個月,面對日本的投降,台灣人如何反應。過去官方的記載總是說,對於戰後重回祖國懷抱,台灣人滿心歡喜,實則經由這八位記主的日記可以了解,台灣人的感情相當複雜,既不能無視於日本的敗,也還難以正視中國的勝,但至少有戰爭結束的歡喜,及對未來的不安。 日記是個人連續性的生活記錄,是研究歷史的第一級史料,由日記可以看出個人不同的心情,但同時也可以由不同人的日記建構出一個共同的終戰之歷史記憶。
This paper explores the situation of Taiwan in the days before and after August 15, 1945, on which the Second World War ended. By reviewing the personal diaries of Wu Pingcheng(吳平城), Yang Jizhen(楊基振), and Yang Yingfeng(楊英風), who lived overseas, as well as those of Lin Hsien T'ang(林獻堂), Ng Ong Seng(黃旺成)and Huang Jitu(黃繼圖), Wu Xinrong(吳新榮), Wu Hongqi(吳鴻麒), who lived in Taiwan, the author examines the response of Taiwanese in the days prior to and in the aftermath of the surrender of Japan. Past official records often painted a picture of Taiwanese rejoicing over the end of Japanese colonization and the return of Taiwan to China. However, the diaries of Taiwanese, both local and abroad, seemed to reflect a more complex emotion over the defeat of Japan and the victory of China. The elation over the end of war was mixed with apprehension of the uncertain future. While diaries detail the serial records of a person's life, they also serve as first-rate information sources for historical research. From the diaries of the above individuals, we can see their different feelings towards the surrender of Japan, and at the same time, we can establish a collective memory concerning the end of WW II.
起訖頁 151-178
關鍵詞 日記日本投降終戰林獻堂黃旺成黃繼圖吳鴻麒吳平城楊基振楊英風吳新榮DiarySurrender of JapanEnd of warLin Hsien T'angNg Ong SengHuang JituWu HongqiWu PingchengYang JizhenWu XinrongYang Yingfeng
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 200812 (13期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 身教大師BaLiwakes (陸森寶)——他的人格、教養與時代
該期刊-下一篇 Adapting to the Metropolitan Way of Life : Taiwanese Memoirs in Japan




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