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Vowel Visemes Lipread by Primary School Students with Hearing Impairment
作者 蘇芳柳
The purposes of this study were to explore the contents of vowel visemes lipread by elementary students with hearing impairment, and to examine whether talker differences existed by way of different visemes revealed.Subjects were thirty elementary students from four resource programs for the hearing-impaired in Taipei City. They were all 6th graders. Nineteen of them were boys and eleven were girls.They were pre-lingual deaf with sevre to profound hearing loss. Twenty-two of them had normal eye-sight, while the other eight wore glasses. They lipread a set of 156 CV syllables and then wrote down what they thought they had seen. The syllables were formed by one consonant (either/n/or/h/) plus one of the 14 Manderine vowels(with the exclusion of two vowels for articulatory reasons).These syl-lables were divided into three parts, and each part was spoken by one speaker. They were videotaped for the purpose of this study. data were analyzed with Agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis and ANOVA. The results were as follows:1.Only one cluster was formed,with nine vowels involved.There were five vowels which failed to form a viseme. 2.Percentage of correct response for that cluster was high:84.03%,while that for each consonant varied from 77.50% to 15.00%,with the average 47.54%. It also showed that most of the errors were located within the very cluster, which indicated that vowels within the cluster were highly confused.3.There seemed to be no significant differences in viseme formed across three talkers;minute discrepancies,however, did emerge in two areas:(1)ten vowels were clustered by lipreading Bspeaker; and(2)scores of eight vowels showed significant differences.
起訖頁 1-16
關鍵詞 聽覺障礙讀話視素韻母hearing impairmentlipreadingvisemevowel
刊名 師大學報:教育類  
期數 199804 (43:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-下一篇 認知設計系統的建構與試題輔助產生引擎的運作--以二度空間視覺化測驗為例




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