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Preschool Teachers' Emotional Labor: Context and Features
作者 張純子洪志成 (Chih Cheng Hung)
Following the rise of the 'customer-orientation' service concept across many vocations, the amount of personal interactions with customers in the workplace sharply increases. As a result, emotional labor and its negative effects on people have got more attentions lately. However, the few studies which deals with this topic have been mainly limited to the service industry. Much less studies cope with 'preschool teachers', whose working conditions resemble service industry. Eight public and private preschool teachers were chosen as participants in this study. The study found that preschool teachers' emotional labor originates from the three following sources: 'multiple roles played in the job market, 'customer orientation', and 'the diversity of role transformation'. For private preschool teachers., 'the diversity of role transformation' was emphasized more among them, Under a free-market education environment where competition is keen, these preschool participants not only have to proactively meet routine requirement of multiple ways of teaching and endure rigid treatment from administrators, but they also have to do extra efforts building satisfying relationship with children's parents. Moreover, the emotional labor in this study is presented in the following forms: (1) 'to express superficial emotion', in order to meet the demands made by the kindergarten they work, they tend to hide and to control their negative emotions, make compromises and succumb to the negative emotions in the end; and (2) 'to express profound emotion', in responding to the situation by empathic/emotional feedback, organization recognition/emotion transformation, and emotional understanding/compassionate caring. The study further finds that, there are two possible impact of emotional labor experienced by these preschool participant: 'negative emotion effects' and 'positive opportunities'
起訖頁 45-65
關鍵詞 幼兒教師情緒勞務Preschool teachersEmotional labor
刊名 教育研究學報  
期數 200810 (42:2期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學院
該期刊-上一篇 實施合作式學習法於小說教學
該期刊-下一篇 國中基測量尺分數轉換議題探討




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