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A Study on the Vandalism Behavior of Middle School Students in Taiwan: The Nature and Demographic Differences of Vandalism and an Analytical Study on the Coping Strategies with Vandalism
作者 洪福源 (Fu-Yuan Hong)邱紹一 (Shao-I Chiu)胡秀媛 (Hsiu-Yuan Hu)陳琇純 (Hsiu-Chun Chen)
本研究的主要目的在探討國中學生自陳的公物破壞行為、因應策略,以及學生性別、年級與社經地位對公物破壞行為、動機與反應之差異分析。為達以上目的,本研究採隨機抽樣方式調查984 位國中學生,結果顯示,公物破壞行為最常在班級中發生,過去一年有一半的學生曾破壞學校公物,形式多為財物污損,而較少為公物破壞,此外,男生比女生自陳有更多公物污損行為。
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the vandalism behaviors in middle school and the strategies of student's coping with vandalism as reported by self-declared middle school students; and to study the role of students' gender, grade and SES level differences in vandalism behavior, motivations and reaction. A total of 984 middle school students gathered by a random sampling. Vandalism behavior has always happened in campus. One half of the students responding to the survey have vandalized school property in the past one year. This shows that vandalism is a very serious problem in school. Student vandalism more often takes the form of defacing rather than destruction. Significantly more boys than girls have been reported for defacing school property. Besides, grade and SES level also play an important role in vandalism, motivations and reaction to vandalism.
Some of the many variables affecting motivations for and reactions to vandalism include differences in gender, grade and SES. For example, the higher a student's grade level, and the higher a student's SES, the more likely he is to engage in vandalism. Some aspects of student's reaction to vandalism were the main factors contributing to the prevalence of vandalism behavior were the strategies most highly recommended by students. Although most teachers will admonish vandals, they can't take away the motivation of fun that contributes to vandalism. In our conclusions, we provide relevant suggestions for adolescents, teachers, and educational authorities.
起訖頁 221-238
關鍵詞 公物破壞行為公物破壞動機因應策略Vandalism BehaviorVandalism motivationStrategies of Coping with Vandalism
刊名 臺中教育大學學報:教育類  
期數 201006 (24:1期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣中區國小資優生情緒智力與其相關因素之研究




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