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A Sutdy of Practicing Problem-based Learning for Improving Students’ Learning Motivation in Elementary Social Study
作者 黃琡惠 (Shu-Huei Huang)吳耀明 (Yao-Ming Wu)
本研究旨在以同儕教師團隊,設計適合國小五年級學生的問題本位學習,並評估其實施成效。本研究採準實驗研究法,以屏東縣某國小五年級四班的學童為研究對象,其中二班為實驗組,另二班為控制組,實驗組接受二個PBL 循環教學,控制組則為一般教學。本研究以混合方法論蒐集資料,研究工具為研究者自編之「國小學童社會領域學習動機量表」,所得資料以SPSS 軟體進行單共變量共變數分析,以驗證相關研究假設,並以立意取樣方式訪談四位學生,以便對研究成效加以補充與解釋;此外,也透過研究討論、教室觀察、問卷、及文件記錄來蒐集資料,進行相關分析與檢證。研究發現,問題本位學習教學對國小學童社會領域學習動機有顯著影響,訪談結果也相互呼應。
The purpose of this study is that peer teachers designed a suitable problem-based learning for elementary fifth graders as well as evaluated the implementation effect. This study adopted quasi-experimental design. Participants are four classes of fifth graders in some elementary school in Pintung County. Two classes were experimental group receiving two PBL in two circles and the other two classes were control group receiving general teaching. This research collected data in mixed-methodology. The scales of elementary students' learning motivation in social study organized by the researcher is the instrument. In order to test correlated research hypothesis, the data was analyzed through One-way ANCOVA by using SPSS. Then the researcher interviewed four students by conception sampling to supplement and explain the effect. Moreover, collecting data through research discussion, classroom observation, questionnaires and document record was for correlated analysis and verification. This study showed that Problem-based teaching has a significant effect on elementary students learning motivation in social study and the result of the interview also responded to it.
Finally, the results were generalized the conclusion into suggestions which can be used by schools and teachers for references to practice problem-based learning.
起訖頁 129-153
關鍵詞 問題本位學習社會領域學習動機Problem-Based LearningSocial StudyMotivation to Learn
刊名 臺中教育大學學報:教育類  
期數 201006 (24:1期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 繪本故事講述與討論對幼兒利社會道德推理之影響
該期刊-下一篇 一位女性初任校長領導信念的形塑因素與實踐困境之研究




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