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Effects of the Addition of Glutamic Acid and Glucose to Wet Gluten on the Volatile Compounds in Deep-Fried Gluten Balls
作者 張基郁林炫橦江淑華王秀育游銅錫
本研究以麵粉水洗所得的濕筋產製油炸麵筋球。濕筋添加麩胺酸及葡萄糖後,經切粒及以黃豆油油炸製成油炸麵筋球。油炸每天進行8 小時,共進行12 天。將第1 天及第12 天所得之油炸麵筋球分別置於60°C 恒溫烘箱中進行儲存,並以Likens-Nickerson 蒸氣蒸餾法和二氯甲烷萃取其揮發性化合物,再以GC 及GC-MS 進行成分之鑑定,以探討麩胺酸及葡萄糖的添加對油炸麵筋球揮發性成分之影響。結果發現在第1 天油炸所得且添加麩胺酸與葡萄糖的油炸麵筋球之總揮發性化合物含量大於未添加麩胺酸及葡萄糖者。當油炸進行至第12 天,則有、無添加麩胺酸和葡萄糖之油炸麵筋球其總揮發性化合物含量相近,但在第12 天油炸所得之麵筋球經儲存4 或8 週後,則有添加麩胺酸和葡萄糖之油炸麵筋球之總揮發性化合物含量小於未添加麩胺酸和葡萄糖者。 Wet gluten for producing deep-fried gluten balls was obtained by washing wheat flour with water. After adding glutamic acid and glucose, the wet gluten was cut and shaped into balls and deep-fried in soybean oil for deep-frying. The frying process proceeded for eight hours per day for twelve days. The balls deep-fried on the first and the twelfth days were stored in an oven at 60° C for eight weeks. The volatile compounds in the balls isolated by Likens-Nickerson steam distillation and dichloromethane extraction were analyzed by using gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to investigate the effects of the addition of glutamic acid and glucose on the flavor change in the balls during storage. The results showed that the total amount of volatile compounds isolated from the deep-fried gluten balls obtained in the first-day frying and prepared with the addition of glutamic acid and glucose was larger than that from those prepared without the addition of these two substances. When the frying oil was used continuously for twelve days, the total amounts of volatile compounds isolated from the balls prepared with and without the addition of the acid and glucose were very similar. However, when the balls obtained on the twelfth day were stored for four or eight weeks, the total amount of volatile compounds isolated from the balls with the addition of these substances was smaller than that from those prepared without such additions.
起訖頁 51-60
關鍵詞 油炸油炸麵筋球葡萄糖麩胺酸揮發性成分Deep-fryingDeep-fried gluten ballsGlucoseGlutamic acidVolatile compounds
刊名 科學與工程技術期刊  
期數 200709 (3:3期)
出版單位 大葉大學
該期刊-上一篇 具缺陷週期結構之波傳主動控制分析
該期刊-下一篇 以深紫外線輔助對N 型氮化鎵做光電化學濕式蝕刻




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