中文摘要 |
In order to keep technical competitive advantage, most companies have an ongoing need of competent technical professionals in research and development (R&D). To possess sufficient capable R&D technical professionals, companies must effectively help them to identify and to cultivate their competencies. Attempting to develop high-tech manpower quality indicators for R&D technical professionals of integrated circuit (IC) manufacturers in Taiwan, this study applied competency theory and investigated 709 valid respondents who are members of Taiwan Semiconductor Institute. The study results can serve as the groundwork for advanced studies in designing meaningful programs for training, development, and career planning, as well as for recruiting qualified R&D technical professionals.為求確保技術的競爭優勢,大多數企業皆持續需求在研發方面具有競爭能力的技術研發專業人員。企求充足擁有具有勝任力的的技術研發專業人員,企業必須有效幫助這些專業人員而進行職能要素的辨識和深化。因此,本研究的旨趣在於,運用職能理論而且建構高科技勞動力品質指標,以供我國半導體製造業之參考。本研究結果,可以作為今後的研究基礎,針對技術研發專業人員,設計出有意義的應用方案,有效運用於教育訓練、能力發展、職涯規劃、乃至於招募與遴選等用途。 |