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Feature Weighting Random Forest for Detection of Hidden Web Search Interfaces
作者 Yunming Ye (Yunming Ye)Hongbo Li (Hongbo Li)Xiaobai Deng (Xiaobai Deng)Joshua Zhexue Huang (Joshua Zhexue Huang)
Search interface detection is an essential task for extracting information from the hidden Web. The challenge for this task is that search interface data is represented in high-dimensional and sparse features with many missing values. This paper presents a new multi-classifier ensemble approach to solving this problem. In this approach, we have extended the random forest algorithm with a weighted feature selection method to build the individual classifiers. With this improved random forest algorithm (IRFA), each classifier can be learned from a weighted subset of the feature space so that the ensemble of decision trees can fully exploit the useful features of search interface patterns. We have compared our ensemble approach with other well-known classification algorithms, such as SVM, C4.5, Naive Bayes, and original random forest algorithm (RFA). The experimental results have shown that our method is more effective in detecting search interfaces of the hidden Web.
起訖頁 387-404
關鍵詞 Search Interface DetectionRandom ForestHidden WebForm Classification
刊名 中文計算語言學期刊  
期數 200812 (13:4期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-下一篇 Corpus Cleanup of Mistaken Agreement Using Word Sense Disambiguation




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