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中文計算語言學期刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Multilingual Spoken Language Corpus Development for Communication Research
作者 Toshiyuki Takezawa (Toshiyuki Takezawa)Genichiro Kikui (Genichiro Kikui)Masahide Mizushima (Masahide Mizushima)Eiichiro Sumita (Eiichiro Sumita)
Multilingual spoken language corpora are indispensable for research on areas of spoken language communication, such as speech-to-speech translation. The speech and natural language processing essential to multilingual spoken language research requires unified structure and annotation, such as tagging. In this study, we describe an experience with multilingual spoken language corpus development at our research institution, focusing in particular on speech recognition and natural language processing for speech translation of travel conversations. An integrated speech and language database, Spoken Language DataBase (SLDB) was planned and constructed. Basic Travel Expression Corpus (BTEC) was planned and constructed to cover a variety of situations and expressions. BTEC and SLDB are designed to be complementary. BTEC is a collection of Japanese sentences and their translations, and SLDB is a collection of transcriptions of bilingual spoken dialogs. Whereas BTEC covers a wide variety of travel domains, SLDB covers a limited domain, i.e., hotel situations. BTEC contains approximately 588k utterance-style expressions, while SLDB contains about 16k utterances. Machine-aided Dialogs (MAD) was developed as a development corpus, and both BTEC and SLDB can be used to handle MAD-type tasks. Field Experiment Data (FED) was developed as the evaluation corpus. We conducted an experiment, and based on analysis of our follow-up questionnaire, roughly half the subjects of the experiment felt they could understand and make themselves understood by their partners.
起訖頁 303-323
關鍵詞 Multilingual CorpusSpoken LanguageSpeech TranslationDialogCommunication
刊名 中文計算語言學期刊  
期數 200709 (12:3期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 Performance of Discriminative HMM Training in Noise
該期刊-下一篇 Exploiting Pinyin Constraints in Pinyin-to-Character Conversion Task: a Class-Based Maximum Entropy Markov Model Approach




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