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Data Management in QRLex, an Online Aid System for Volunteer Translators'
作者 Bey, Youcef (Bey, Youcef)Kageura, Kyo (Kageura, Kyo)Boitet, Christian (Boitet, Christian)
This paper proposes a new framework for a system which will help online volunteers to perform translations on their PCs while sharing resources and tools and communicating via websites. The current status of such online volunteer translators and their translation practices and tools are examined, along with related work also being discussed. General requirements are derived from these considerations. The approach taken in this study for dealing with heterogeneous linguistic resources relies on an XML structure maximizing efficiency and enabling all of the desired functionalities. The QRLex environment is under development and implements this new framework.
起訖頁 349-376
關鍵詞 Computer-aided translationWeb search for translationMemory translationHelping volunteer translatorsLinguistique ressources
刊名 中文計算語言學期刊  
期數 200612 (11:4期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 Multiply Quantified Internally Headed Relative Clause in Japanese : A Skolem Term Based Approach
該期刊-下一篇 Using a Small Corpus to Test Linguistic Hypotheses: Evaluating ‘People’ in the State of the Union Addresses




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