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Tokenization and Morphological Analysis for Malagasy
作者 Dalrymple, Mary (Dalrymple, Mary)Liakata, Maria (Liakata, Maria)Mackie, Lisa (Mackie, Lisa)
The authors present a tokenizer and _nite-state morphological analyzer [Beesley and Karttunen 2003] for Malagasy, based primarily on the discussion of Malagasy morphology in Keenan and Polinsky [1998] and Randriamasimanana [1986]. Words in Malagasy are built from roots by means of a variety of morphological operations such as compounding, af_xation and reduplication. The authors analyze productive patterns of nominal and verbal morphology, and describe genitive compounding and suf_xation for nouns and various derivational processes involving compounding and af_xation for verbs. This work offers a computational analysis of Malagasy morphology, and forms the basis of a computational grammar and lexicon of Malagasy within the framework of the PARGRAM project.
起訖頁 315-331
關鍵詞 MalagasyAustronesianMorphological analyzerFnite-state morphologyPARGRAM
刊名 中文計算語言學期刊  
期數 200612 (11:4期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-下一篇 Multiply Quantified Internally Headed Relative Clause in Japanese : A Skolem Term Based Approach




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