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Critique and Reflection upon Images of the University Teachers of Neo-liberalism
作者 潘昌祥
The neo-liberal corporate culture stresses the market logic and economic rationality, shaping the image of the university teachers mainly from the problematic perspectives of the institution and ideology. With respect to social justice, it is necessary to critically examine the images of university teachers in accordance with the neo-liberalism.In light of critical pedagogy, the essay aims at indicating the neo-liberalism-oriented image of university teachers through the critical analysis, and further suggesting a reasonable alternative. Under the influence of the neo-liberalism, the images of university teachers, including being as an practitioner of the simplified civic education, as an administrator in charge of the quality of labor power, as an interchangeable intellectual, and as a public scholar losing subjectivity. Hence, in the era that educational policies have been intervened by neo-liberal corporate culture, we must view the university teachers as transformative intellectuals, activists of Freirean pedagogy, in order to create a critical and autonomous image for them, building a space for civil society.
起訖頁 049-068
關鍵詞 新自由主義教師圖像轉化的知識份子neo-liberalismteacher's imagestransformative intellectuals
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201209 (29期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 「父母知覺升學壓力量表」編製之研究
該期刊-下一篇 日本青森縣中小學教師評鑑制度之探討




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