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An Action Research on How Teaching Literate Readers Incorporates with Human Rights Education
作者 陳美瑩許仁泰
The human rights education in Taiwan is still in the beginning stage, and yet the curriculum design and implementation in the human rights education is scarce. Therefore, I intend to conduct an action research on the human rights education for the sixth graders at an elementary school in southern Taiwan. The purpose of this research was to explore the possibility to integrate human rights education into reading instruction. The qualitative research approach was adopted. Data were collected through observations, interviews, relevant documents, students’ worksheets, video recordings, and reflection notes. The research findings are: The teaching materials and activities matched what the students needed-- the content was realistic. It was highly accepted by the students, especially the illustration of the “rights to life” and “rights to liberty and security of person,” A slight downside of the curriculum design was that the teaching materials failed to include the history of human rights and the content of the documentary. Lastly, specific suggestions, based on the conclusions of this research, are proposed for those educators interested in the human rights education.
起訖頁 085-112
關鍵詞 人權教育課程設計融入式閱讀教學human rights educationcurriculum designintegrated reading instruction
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201103 (26期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 認知教練歷程與國小校長省思能力關係之研究




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