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嘉大教育研究學刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Student Experiences of Supplementary Elementary School Lessons during Japanese Colonial Period in Taiwan
作者 蔡元隆朱啟華 (Chi-Hua Chu)
本文旨在探討臺灣日治時期(1927-1945 年)初等學校(含小學校、公學校及國民學校)放學後的補習經驗。本研究採用口述歷史方法,針對十三名日治時期的教師、畢業校友取得口述資料,並輔以相關的口述歷史叢書作為研究工具,另外使用質性分析軟體ATLAS.ti 進行編碼分類與資料管理。歸納研究有六點結論:第一,小學校或公學校普遍存在著課後補習的現象,但小學校的現象則較少。第二,小學校少有課後補習的原因,極有可能是其占有資源上的優勢。三,小學校或公學校課後補習都是免費,教師並無收取任何酬勞。第四,日籍教師的課後補習件數呈現較多,原因是因為高年級普遍是日籍教師擔任。第五,除了校園中的課後補習,也有到教師宿舍補習及出錢集資補習的兩種情形。第六,補習目的不只是希望學生考上理想的學校,更是教師間展現個人教學能力的指標。
The purpose of this study is to investigate student experiences of supplementary elementary school lessons after school in elementary schools(including Taiwanese public schools, Doka Public Schools and Taiwan Kyoiku-rei schools)during Japanese colonial period in Taiwan(1927-1945). The study adopts the oral history of thirteen elementaryschool teachers and students graduated from elementary school as the primary sources datum,referred by series books of oral history.Furthermore, the qualitative analysis software “ATLAS.ti” is used for coding, categorization, and management of datum. The study has sixconclusions: (1) Supplementary school lessons existed not only in Taiwanese public schools but also in Doka Public Schools. However, it is less in Taiwanese public schools; (2) The reason for the difference might possibly be that Doka Public Schools have more resources from the government; (3) The teacher did not take any remuneration. Moreover, all the supplementary school lessons are free; (4) Japanese teachers had more students of higher grades who needed more supplementary school lessons; (5) besides having supplementary school lessons on campus, students had lessons in teachers’ dormitories or concentrated funds hiring teachers for the lessons; (6) The purpose of having supplementary schoollessons is not only for the goal of entering into ideal schools but showing teachers’ teaching abilities.
起訖頁 095-118
關鍵詞 初等學校課後補習教學能力日治時期臺灣教育elementary schoolsupplementary school lessonsteaching abilityTaiwanese education during Japanesecolonial period
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201009 (25期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 教育即進步-田培林的觀點
該期刊-下一篇 科學教師學科教學知識融合機制之個案研究




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