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Firm Attributes and Intellectual Capital Disclosure: Evidences from IPO Prospectuses in Taiwan
作者 林月雲 (Carol Yeh-Yun Lin)陳怡靜 (Mavis Yi-Ching Chen)
This study aims to explore the application of relevant management theories that affect questionnaire survey response willingness with three main focuses. First, we investigate the average response rates of both local and international top-tier journal papers as reference points. Second, we examine the influence of questionnaire design and implementation on survey response. Third, we develop theory applications related to questionnaire response behaviors, including citizenship behavior theory, social exchange theory, and institutional theory. Based on 230 sets of data, the research findings include, first, both local and international top-tier journals prefer papers with higher response rates, an average of fifty percent. Second, to obtain data with better representativeness, the researchers need to have a good survey planning and implementation, such as designing an adequate length of questionnaire; sending out surveys in May, July, or August; addressing a particular person; providing tangible or intangible incentives including cash coupons, small gifts, and research results; and employing an appropriate survey method, for example, collecting data from middle or high level managers through post mail survey. Third, strengthening potential respondents’altruistic behaviors and creating an institutional environment may be more effective in raising survey response rate. Another inspiring finding is that the more questionnaire items respondents can accept, the higher the reponse willingness is. Therefore, it is worthwhile to develop this group of respondents. In addition, by advocating for altruistic behaviors and constructing institutional environment, a higher survey response rate can be anticipated in the future.
起訖頁 1-62
關鍵詞 利他行為填答成本交換價值體制環境問卷填答意願altruistic behaviorresponse costexchange valueinstitutional environmentsurvey response willingness
刊名 組織與管理  
期數 200902 (2:1期)
出版單位 臺灣組織與管理學會
該期刊-下一篇 價值共創與統治模式




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