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Discontinuance of Technology Adoption: Misalignments in Collaboration Structure in E-Procurement Systems Adoption
作者 陳信宏 (Shin-Horng Chen)
Technology adoption discontinuance is a phenomenon related to technology failures. In the paper, I analyze this phenomenon from a perspective of organization-IT alignment. The perspective suggests that effective technology adoption depends on the attainment of the alignment between organizational elements and technological features. However, despite an organization has achieved alignment, the organizational context may change as the environment evolves. In this situation, technological features may not fulfill the requirements of the organization. When a low alignment or misalignment occurs, the technology adoption would fail. Based on this view, in the study, I apply the qualitative research to report a case of e-procurement system, and to analyze how misalignments in system adoption would induce the adoption discontinuance. The case analysis reveals that the adoption of e-procurement system requires a “collaboration structure” alignment between the system and organizational activities. However, the initial success of system adoption is not transferred to the later application. After supply chain migration, organization’s procurement activities have a fundamental transformation. The shift in the procurement activities causes an incompatibility of collaboration structure between the system and the organization. As a result, the e-procurement system is considered inapplicable for supporting the altered procurement activities, and thereby the system becomes obsolete. The findings could enhance the theoretical development on the technology adoption and provide new insights with regard to organization-IT alignment/misalignment.
起訖頁 33-66
關鍵詞 科技調準電子採購系統合作結構採用中斷organization-IT alignmente-procurement systemcollaboration structurediscontinuance
刊名 組織與管理  
期數 201008 (3:2期)
出版單位 臺灣組織與管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 組織知曉力:科學社群的知識創生
該期刊-下一篇 敘說創業故事:覺察、學習與再詮釋




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