在精準醫學時代的臨床精神醫療 Psychiatric Practice in the Era of Precision Medicine
青少年和年輕成人之重度憂鬱症共病偏頭痛與雙相性疾患的風險:全國性追蹤性研究 Migraine Comorbidity and Subsequent Diagnostic Conversion to Bipolar Disorder among Adolescents and Young Adults with Major Depression: A Nationwide Longitudinal Study
內化烙印量表應用於精神疾患病人之再測能力和最小可偵測之變化值 Reproducibility and Minimal Detectable Change of Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness (ISMI) Scale in Patients with Mental Illness
集合心血管危險因子與老人認知功能之相關性研究 The Association between Aggregate Cardiovascular Risk and Cognitions in Community-dwelling Older Adults
日常活動參與在憂鬱症病人之反芻型反應與生活品質間之中介效應 Mediation Effects of Daily Activity Participation between Rumination and Subjective Quality of Life in Persons with Depression