失能、控御與全球風險:《功夫》的後人類表述 Disabilities, the Cybernetic Body, and Global Risk: Posthuman Representation in "Kung Fu Hustle"
國族寓言霸權下的同志國:當代臺灣文學中的同性戀與國家 Queer Nation under the Shadow of National Allegory: Homosexuality and the Nation in Contemporary Taiwanese Literature
禁錮與釋放:老藝妓的情慾想像--讀林芙美子《晚菊》與岡本可能子《老妓抄》 Imprisonment and Disembarrassment: Old Geisha's Luscious Desire-Reading over Hayasifumiko's "Moon Daisy" and Okamotokanoko's "Tales of an Old Prostitute"
殖民帝國女性之眼--論坂口'衤零'子小說中的台灣女性形象 A Woman's View on the Colonized-Discussing Taiwanese Female Image in Sakaguchi Reiko's Novels
誰方的歷史:黎紫書的「希斯德里」 Whose Side of History: On Li Zishu's Works of Fiction