華語文教學研究 Journal of Chinese Language Teaching |
202109 (18:3期)期所有篇 |
- 糾正回饋與華語學習者語法結構習得之效應研究 Corrective Feedback and the Acquisition of Grammatical Structures of L2 Chinese Learners
- 以課外電子活動促進學生文言文學習的成效及使用者接受程度 Effectiveness and User Acceptance of Using Out of class E learning Activities to Support Classical Chinese Learning
- 味覺詞「甜」的通感轉移與情緒誘發 Synaesthetic Transfer and Emotional Trigger of the Gustatory Term /tian2/
- 新冠病毒疫情下實體轉線上華語課程實施之行政面向探究 An Administrative Perspective on the Transition of In-Person Class to Online Learning for Chinese as a Second Language during Coronavirus Epidemic