管理學報 Journal of Management and Business Research |
200602 (23:1期)期所有篇 |
- 電子「薪」貴嗎?--電子製造業與傳統製造業受僱員工薪資報酬差異之研究 Do High-Tech Industry Employees Receive Better Compensation? --An Empirical Study of the Compensation Differences for Employees of High-Tech and Traditional Manufacture Industries
- 誰能跳脫潮流壓力?潮流效應與組織學習對新科技進入之影響 Who can Jump out the Bandwagon Pressure?-- The Bandwagon Effect and Learning Effect on New Technology Entry
- 大者恆大嗎?規模與擴張傾向間關係的檢視 Is Big Really Always Getting Bigger? Investigation on the Relationship Between Size and Expansion Propensity
- 從人力資本與勞動市場區隔觀點探討非自願離職者再就業的決定因素--洛基對數線性分析 The Determinants of Reemployment among The Workers of Involuntary Job Loss Based on The Human Capital and Labor Market Segmentation Theory: Logit Log-liner analysis
- 管理研究中的共同方法變異:問題本質、影響、測試和補救 Common Method Variance in Management Research: Its Nature, Effects, Detection, and Remedies
- 公司治理與專利權:臺灣新興市場 Corporate Governance and Patent: Evidence from Emerging Taiwan Market
- 國安基金以期貨維護現貨策略之分析 An Analysis of the National Financial Stabilization Fund’s Intervention in Taiwan’s Stock and Futures Markets