人文社會科學研究:教育類 Humanities and Social Sciences Research |
202406 (18:2期)期所有篇 |
- 應用運算思維學習診斷機制於STEM實作課程以促進反思學習:準實驗研究 Applying Computational Thinking Learning Diagnostic Mechanisms in STEM Hands-on Courses to Promote Reflective Learning: A Quasi-experimental Study
- 國中STEM跨領域教師專業發展與課程設計實踐探究:以一所臺灣東部完全中學為例 Professional Development and Curriculum Design Practice of STEM Interdisciplinary Teachers in Junior High School: A Case Study of a School in Eastern Taiwan
- 以工程設計歷程融入STEM科學課程對國中生STEM學習成效之影響 The Impact of Integrating Engineering Design Process into STEM Science Curriculum on the STEM Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students
- 文物賞析融入STEAM課程學習成果研究:以「故宮X新北小漾MAKER號」為例 Learning Outcomes of Antiques Appreciation Infusion in STEAM Curriculum: A Case Study of the National Palace Museum’s Collaboration with New Taipei City MAKER Courses