文資學報 Journal of Culture Resources |
200712 (3期)期所有篇 |
- 視覺感知‧宗教經驗‧性別言說--從宗教改革前後德意志視覺圖像對「耶穌寶血」的表達談起 Visual Perception, Religious Experience and Gender Differences in Communication - A Case Study of German Pictorial Depictions of the Blood of Jesus in the Era of the Reformation
- 台北霞海城隍廟建廟一百五十週年的暗訪和聖誕繞境 The Night Patrol and Sacred Birthday Procession for Celebrating the 150(superscript th) Anniversary of the Construction of Hsiahai Cheng-Huang (City God) Temple in Taipei
- 當京劇演員碰到北管戲--記「逍遙劇場」北管表演藝術傳習計畫 When Beijing Opera Actors Meet Beiguan Opera: An Impartation Project for Beiguan Opera by Xiao-Yiao Theater
- 論南管整絃的樂儀--排門頭與樂不斷聲 The Ceremonial Performance of Nankuan-'Pai-Mng-Thau' and 'Gak-put-toan-seng'
- 鄒族的房屋形式、聚落與社會 House Forms, Settlements and Society of the Ali-shan Tsou of Central Taiwan
- 「文資學報」第三期專題座談會會議實錄:臺灣南島研究的展望