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The Night Patrol and Sacred Birthday Procession for Celebrating the 150(superscript th) Anniversary of the Construction of Hsiahai Cheng-Huang (City God) Temple in Taipei
作者 李秀娥
座落於大稻埕的台北霞海城隍廟,自清末日治以來,每逢農曆五月十三日的聖誕繞境,往往吸引附近商家的支持,出動詩藝閣,輔以廣告,招攬商機,加上八大軒社與其他陣頭的熱心參與,也因活動辦得盛大熱鬧,往往吸引無數的人潮圍觀。暗訪與繞境活動在臺灣光復後,原由「祭典協會」持續主辦,但因民國九十一年起,因祭典協會的組織與募款出現問題而停辦解散,那幾年因祭典協會狀況不明朗,廟方認為尚不宜出面主辦,而是由少數幾間八大軒社自行發動其成員為城隍繞境。直到民國九十五年,恰逢台北霞海城隍廟建廟一百五十週年,因而改由廟方主辦,恢復該年的暗訪與繞境活動,並說服北管陣頭與神將會的八大軒社共同參與,突破既往的記錄。凡參與放軍安五營和收軍的官將首、暗訪的八將、繞境的什家將、范、謝將軍的大仙尪神將,皆屬宗教學者米爾希‧埃利亞德所謂「神人擬同」的狀態,參與的年輕成員也是一種追逐「文化風尚」的風潮。而既往的每年暗訪與繞境則屬定期週期性的宗教潔淨活動,一百五十週年的暗訪與繞境則屬非定期週期性的宗教潔淨活動。The Hsiahai Cheng-Huang (City God) Temple located in Da-Dao-Cheng, Taipei has been holding Day Patrol on City God's birthday, on 13 May in the China Lunar Calendar, since the end of 19(superscript th) century. Stores in the neighborhood finance allegoric floats to support the celebration and promote their business at the same time. Musical processions of the eight bigger musical associations and other groups, also participate enthusiastically in this event, making it hilarious and attractive to the general public. The Sacred Birthday Procession and Night Patrol events had always been held by 'the Association of Rituals'; however, owing to some organizational and funding problems, the Association has no longer been entrusted by the City God Temple to be in charge of the rituals since the year 1991. Instead, only few of the eight bigger musical associations initiated the events and made patrols for City God. In 1996, the year of the Temple's 150th anniversary, the Temple hosted the celebration and again held Night Patrol and Sacred Birthday Procession for City God with the help of Beiguan processions and Guardian Spirits Clubs of the eight bigger musical associations. The scale of the patrols was record-breaking. Those participants-in arranging five divine army camps around the temple as generals, the Eight Generals in Night Patrol and the Ten Generals, the Giants General Fan and Xie in Sacred Birthday Procession-were in a state of mind described by Mircea Eliade, a theologian, as 'theologomonon' while the younger participants joined the event with a mind 'to follow cultural fashions.' The previous annual Night Patrol and Sacred Birthday Procession were regular rituals for religious purity while those held for the 150th anniversary were irregular ones.
起訖頁 37-74
關鍵詞 暗訪繞境神人擬同文化風尚宗教潔淨night patrolProcessiontheologomononcultural fashion religious purity
刊名 文資學報  
期數 200712 (3期)
出版單位 國立臺北藝術大學文化資源學院
該期刊-上一篇 視覺感知‧宗教經驗‧性別言說--從宗教改革前後德意志視覺圖像對「耶穌寶血」的表達談起
該期刊-下一篇 當京劇演員碰到北管戲--記「逍遙劇場」北管表演藝術傳習計畫




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