TIMSS 2019臺灣四年級學生科學成就及相關因素探討(6) Science performance and some related factors of Taiwan fourth-graders found in TIMSS 2019 (VI)
對一道出自IMO試題之不等式的另證 Another proof to an inequality from an IMO problem
以排列記號數描述前N個連續正整數等冪次和的多項式函數表示式(上) By the permutaiton notations to describe the expression about the sum of the m-th powers of the first n positive integers, for m, n≧0 (I)
認識身旁的小傢伙(25)--相處經驗與性別因子對蟑螂社會互動之效應(下) To know the little guy behind you (25)-the effects of contact experience and gender on the social interaction of cockroach (II)
中學生通訊解題第160-161期題目參考解答及評註 The solutions for reference and analysis to the questions of the 160^(th) to 161^(th) issues of high school mathematics through communication