臺灣華語教學研究 Taiwan Journal of C hinese as a SecondLanguage |
202012 (21期)期所有篇 |
- 越南受試者的華語聲調聽辨研究 A Study on the Perceptual Identification of Mandarin Tones by Vietnamese Learners
- 華語聲調學習教材的設計與效果:以提升日本籍學習者的語音能力 Design and Effects of Chinese Tone Teaching Material: To Improve Pronunciation of Japanese Learners
- 基於語料庫輔助的國語發音教學 Using a Corpus-aided Pronunciation Instruction on Mandarin Tones Training for Cantonese Learners
- 華語為外語學習者的華語擦音聲學之對比研究 Phonetic Contrast in CFL Learners' Production of Mandarin Fricatives