臺灣華語教學研究 Taiwan Journal of C hinese as a SecondLanguage |
201412 (9期)期所有篇 |
- 兩岸華語初級階段教材之漢字用字量及互通性初探 A Preliminary Survey of the Quantity and the Cross-Strait Interchangeability of the Vocabularies in Chinese Textbooks for Beginner's Level
- 為什麼商務華語中的Yes可能是No? Why Yes in Business Chinese Can Become No?
- 華語否則類短語的篇章與人際功能探究 A Corpus-based Study of the Textual and Interpersonal Functions of Mandarin Chinese (Yao)buran, Yaobu, and Fouze
- 漢語教學中數目詞的探究 Chinese Numerals in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
- 法律華語教學之定位、定性和定向分析 Teaching Legal Chinese for Second Language Learners: Analysis of Orientation, Quality and Direction
- 漢語作為第二語言課堂的話輪自我修復實踐 Self-repair Practices in a Chinese as a Second Language Classroom