臺灣華語教學研究 Taiwan Journal of C hinese as a SecondLanguage |
201012 (1期)期所有篇 |
- 對外漢語聲調教學之現狀與教學法 Tone Pedagogy and Acquisition in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
- 詞義成分TCSL的分析與應用--從「吃麥當勞」談起 Semantic Components and Their Analysis and Application in TCSL- Taking 'Eating McDonald's' as an Example
- 漢語動詞「生」的語意發展 The Semantic Development of the Chinese Verb “Sheng”
- 華語近義詞辨識難易度與學習策略初探 Preliminary Study on Strategies for Learning Near-Synonyms in TCSL
- 漢語的動詞刪略句與英漢對比分析 VP-ellipsis in Mandarin Chinese: A Comparative Analysis
- 華語拒絕請求的策略分析:語體與語境的作用 An Analysis of Strategies for Refusing Requests in Chinese: Stylistic and Contextual Factors